Con Brio Festivals are founded on the guiding principle of ‘active learning through participation’.
The massed ensembles focus on performance and provide an opportunity to truly see the
number of colleagues who share a love of music.
Westin Whistler
3:30 PM
MASSED Strings
with Jaelem Bhate
Gathering of Eagles
Original Melody by Bob Baker, Squamish First Nation Elder
re-imagined by Robert Buckley
Fiddlers Three
Robert Buckley
Featuring the combined strings of Bellingham High School,
Brentwood College School, Lansdowne Middle School, Sentinel Secondary School
Pinecrest Academy Sloan Canyon, St. Michaels University School
University Hill Secondary School, Vancouver Technical Secondary School
Audience Welcome
Whistler Convention Centre
8:30 AM
Under the direction of Dr. Catherine Robbins
with composer and soloist Russell Wallace and harpist Alison Hunter
The Gift
Russell Wallace
Ily Matthew Maniano
The combined choirs of:
Alpha Secondary School, Argyle Secondary School, John Knox Christian School
Johnston Heights Secondary School, Lord Byng Secondary School, Maple Ridge Secondary
Peter Ewart Middle School, Pinecrest Academy Sloan Canyon, St. Andrew’s Regional High School
St. Michaels University School, St. Thomas More Collegiate
University Hill Secondary School, Vancouver Christian School, Vancouver Technical Secondary School
Under the direction of Dr. Charles Maguire and Dr. Wendy Zander
with Squamish Nation Hereditary Chief Ian Campbell
and Elder Bob Baker
Journey (Paddle Song)
Original Melody by Chief Ian Campbell (Squamish First Nation),
re-imagined by Robert Buckley
Eagle Song (S’pakwus Slulum)
Original Melody by Bob Baker (Squamish First Nation Elder), re-imagined by Robert Buckley
9:00 AM
The combined bands of:
Alpha Secondary School, Argyle Secondary School, John Knox Christian School
Johnston Heights Secondary School, Kamehameha School, Lansdowne Middle School
North Saanich Middle School, Peter Ewart Middle School, Queen Elizabeth High School
Royal Oak Middle School, Sloan Canyon, St. Andrew’s Regional High School
St. Michaels University School, St. Thomas More Collegiate, University Hill Secondary School
Vancouver Christian School, Vancouver Technical Secondary School.
10:30 AM
Auburn Riverside High School, Brentwood College String Ensemble
Britannia Secondary School, Canyon Falls Middle School, Carihi Secondary School
Collingwood School, Cowichan Secondary School, Earl Marriott Secondary School
École Phoenix Middle School, Enver Creek Secondary School, Guildford Park Secondary School
Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School, Pythagoras Academy, Sentinel Secondary School
Southpointe Academy, Vancouver College, White Rock Christian Academy.
Percussionists are reminded to bring their snare drums/stands, mallets, beaters sticks and any auxiliary percussion
as required by the massed performance pieces.
The festival closes as each massed band ends.
Have a safe journey home.